Sunday, August 1, 2010

Watching the planes land at National Airport

There is a national park just west of National Airport. (Yes, that's what we call it still. National Airport. If you want us to pick you up, give us the name we use or else we won't show up!)

Anyway, the park abuts the major landing strip at National Airport so you can watch the planes land just over your head. It feels like you can reach up and touch them.

The park lies along the Potomac River so there are lots of ski boats, sail boats, jet skis and kayakers. Also there is a major bike path that runs the length of the park on one side, which has an unending supply of runners, bikers, and roller bladers. On the other side, there is a major thoroughfare, with lots of cars and trucks.

Add it all up and Jack was in hog heaven. He would fixate on the water and say boat repeatedly. Then cyclists would fly by and he would say BI-cull. And then every 10-15 minutes, a huge jet would land. And then just for good measure, a huge dump truck would go whizzing by on the freeway.

We sat under a tree about 15 yards from where we took that picture of ourselves on Inauguration Day. We both teared up thinking how the last time we were there, we hadn't even met Jack.

It was a glorious day.

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