Sunday, April 10, 2011

White House Garden Tour

This morning, Mark got an e-mail from a former work colleague, who now works in the White House. He said he had some extra tickets to the annual White House garden tour. Well! We may have a kid and all, but hello! Garden tour! What self-respecting gays can say no to something like that?

So we beat a path down to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and Jack got his first taste of life inside the White House perimeter. Pretty cool. There were a few too many pictures of members of a certain presidential dynasty for my taste (and I don't mean the Adamses). But other than that, it was a lovely way to spend an hour or so on a cool Sunday morning. And there was something for everyone. For Jack, the highlight was the two little John Deere tractors parked near the exit. We almost didn't make it out because of them. Luckily, there was the promise of lots of buses and trucks back on 17th Street.

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