Monday, May 2, 2011


Yesterday, Jack and I were out walking, and we ran across our friends Tony and Kevin, who live at the end of the block. They had gotten this totally cool toy as a birthday gift for Jack. Jack was thrilled to receive a "presem" out of the clear blue like this and very eager to get it unwrapped when we got home. The wild thing was that he seemed to have an innate sense of what to do with it. The combination of a small hammer and colored wooden balls spoke to him on some deep, evolutionary, collective-subconscious level. As soon as we got it open, he went to work. We had several talks about how the hammer was only to be used on the balls -- not the dogs, the furniture or the walls. More later on how well that lesson stuck.

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Jenny says that you need to show him how to hold the hammer and let gravity do the work for him...course, I never knew this until my 30's.
