Monday, January 26, 2009

Jackson's First Trip to His Lawyers, Ex Utero

We have the distinct honor and privilege of being represented by two fantastic lawyers throughout this process, John Chally and Erin Robinson, of the law firm, Bouneff & Chally.

The old saying (which I take credit for making up) is "Everyone hates lawyers until they need a good one."

Suffice it to say, we love John and Erin. They are consumate professionals. They mind the little details. They respond promptly. They shrug off the constant nagging of friends advocating on your behalf and don't hold it against you (thank you Marc Herzog and Heather and Laura for being our advocates in chief).

John has been involved from the get-go on making Oregon's adoption laws some of the best in the nation. He has an ability to cut through the fluff and get to the heart of whatever matter is before you. He is comforting, but never misleading. He loves being a father, but is not maudlin. Like my ancestors have said, he's good people.

In their practice, Erin is the frontline for new mothers seeking adoptive parents. She is on call 24/7. She is unflappable, exceedingly polite (at all hours of the day or night), and very, very bright. She has an intuitive sense about people and brings a great deal of joy to the whole, exasperating process. She also has John's gift for cutting through the crap and getting you to the important stuff.

A big blubbery smack on the face to the both of you.

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