Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Lost Symbol

For those of you who are Dan Brown fan's (DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons), he's just come out with his newest book. The story takes place in Washington DC and the very first scene takes place at the Scottish Rite Temple on 16th Street. We stopped by for a photo shoot.

This is the temple. It's a very cool building, but we've never been inside. We've both started the novel but have not had a lot of time to read lately!
There are two Sphinxes (is that the plural of sphinx?). Jack did not seem overwhelmed by them.

We will let you know if we figure out what the lost symbol is. Jack thinks it is the Cheerio.

1 comment:

  1. Life is WONDERFUL if Jack's smile is any measure! Really glad you all enjoyed "Dad Jeff's" last week of freedom ... now it's back to the work world for him. I have every confidence that "Dad Mark" will carry forward just fine assuming the lion's share of daytime parenting.
    G-Mom Ruth
