Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jackson goes for a swim...

Today, Jack and Pop accompanied Dad, Mom and Cathy to their local swim club. The facility, Lakeshore, is a rehabilitation center for sports injuries, the aging, etc. It is also a National ParaOlympics Training Center. The swimming center was wonderful. The entrance to the pool is a very gradual ramp that starts at 1 inch deep and goes down to about waist level. We were able to sit Jack down at the edge to get him used to situation. About 10 minutes later he was ready to rock and roll.

We had so much fun floating around the pool. He was at complete ease, so much so that he was able to interact (READ: flirt) with several of the older folks that were doing water aerobics.

Dad says his starting position off the blocks is pretty good. Now we just have to work on the swimming part.
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